Voltage Regulators dealers in Kenya
Buy sollatek automatic volatage regulator ( AVS) in Kenya as well as other power voltage regulators at competitive prices from Peejey smart solutions . We are APC, Mecer, Mercury, Sollatek voltage stabilizer dealer in Kenya offering same day delivery.
Voltage can be produced with microcontroller (microprocessor) based software that controls regulation , related electronic boards, differential auxiliary transformer (booster transformer), variac or step transformer as auto type transformer, motor and semiconductor thyristors.
In this direction ,regulators are divided into two groups as servo regulator and static regulator
Our stabilizer will clean the power to your equipment by removing Surges, Spikes, High Voltage, Low Voltage, Power Back Surge, Harmonics Power Interference, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Lightning Surge. Thus allowing your equipment to work smoothly with the right power supply with a correction of +/-1% linear supply.